Total there are 67 presidents in MEXICO
1821-1823 Agustín de Iturbide y Aramburu was born in Morelia (Viceroyalty of Mexico) on September 27, 1783. His parents were Spanish José Joaquín de Iturbide y Aramburu Maria Josefa. fought for the freedom of mexico. In July 1824, Itutbide landed in tamaulipas, but his enmies appealed a decree declared him traitor to his country and arrested him immediately. Padilla was shot in the July 19, 1824
1823-1824 Pedro Celestino Negrete was born in San Sebastián, España, on May 14, 1777. There, at the age of 69 years, death would be surprised on April 11, 1846.
1824-1829 Guadalupe Victoria was born in Villa de Tamazula, in the province of Nueva Vizcaya, in the current state of Durango. His name was Miguel Fernandez Felix, he changed to Guadalupe Victoria. Deputy for Durango, was elected President of the Republic of October 10, 1824 to March 21, 1829.Died in Veracruz after he retired on August 25, 1843.
1829 Vicente Guerrero Saldaña was born on August 10, 1782 in Tixtla in the current state of Guerrero, Mexico. His parents were arriero Juan Pedro Guerrero and Maria Guadalupe Saldana.Vicente Guerrero initially supported Agustín de Iturbide as first Emperor of Mexico, but soon rebelled to join General Lopez de Santa Anna struggling to establish the Republic. When he fell Iturbide, Guerrero supported the first President of Mexico: Guadalupe April 1829 Victoria.En Vicente Guerrero took office when his troops overthrew President Manuel Gómez January 1831, Vicente Guerrero fell to his enemies and was executed on February 14, 1831, in Cuilapam, Oaxaca.
1829 José María Bocanegra born in the ranch's work Troje, Aguascalientes, May 25, 1787. He was interim president of Mexico from 18 to December 23, 1829. He studied law at the Colegio de San Ildefonso in Mexico City. He worked at the Royal Court and was a member of the Bar. He was deputy to the Constituent Congress of 1824 and Judge and Justices of the Supreme Court. Occupied the Ministry in the cabinet of Vicente Guerrero when he was named interim president on December 18, 1829, to go fight the rebellion of the vice president personally Anastasio Bustamante. Bocanegra, however, had to leave office after a few days after the uprising in Mexico City. Subsequently occupy the ministries of Finance (1833) and Foreign Affairs in different cabinets (1837 and 1841-1844). The fame that failed as president caught fleeting as a historian to write memoirs for the history of independent Mexico, 1822-1846, a work central to understanding the first half of XIX century Mexico. He died in Mexico City on July 23, 1862.
1829 Pedro Vélez Born in the village of Eagle Villagutierre (Today Villanueva), in the State of Zacatecas. He was the son of Mary Elizabeth Zuniga and Peter Velez, who is the year 1805 he founded and serves on the First City of Villanueva. After leaving the presidency, Velez represented the state of Zacatecas to the Senate. He held the portfolio of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs from February 22, 1842 to July 17, 1843 during the administration of Santa Anna and exercised other elected positions. At age 61, of natural causes, Velez died in the capital of the Republic on August 5, 1848, being judge of the Supreme Court.
1830-1832 1837-1839 1839-1841 Anastasio Bustamante Anastasio Bustamante was born in Jiquilpan, the quartermaster of Michoacan, July 17, 1780. Mexican Military and statesman who was twice president (1830-1832 and 1837-1841). He studied arts at the seminary in Guadalajara and medicine in Mexico City, but did not graduate. Attracted by guns in 1808 he joined the army. In 1848 he retired to San Miguel Allende, where he died in 1853.
1832 Melchor Múzquiz Born in Queretaro on April 22, 1789. It was the constitutional president of Mexico from December 24, 1832 to March 31 next year. As a royalist officer, participated in the capture of Morelos and earned the rank of lieutenant colonel in 1815. He died in Mexico City on May 14, 1851.
1832-1833 1835-1836 Manuel Gómez Pedraza Born in Valle del Maiz, San Luis Potosi, March 8, 1789. He was interim president of Mexico from January 28, 1835 to February 27, 1836. He died in Mexico City on March 1 next. Miembro del ejército realista, en 1810 estuvo al lado de Calleja y Bustamante. Contracted a terrible disease that took him within days of death.
1833 1846-1847 Valentín Gómez Farías Born in Guadalajara, Jalisco current state of the February 14, 1781. He was vice president in the office of President from 3 to June 18, 1833, from July 3 to October 27, 1833, from 15 December of that year until April 24 next, and last from 24 December 1846 to March 21, 1847. He died in the capital on July 5, 1858.
1833-1835 1839 1841-1842 1847 1844 1843 1853-1855 Antonio López de Santa Anna Born in Guadalajara, Jalisco current state of the February 14, 1781. He was vice president in the office of President from 3 to June 18, 1833, from July 3 to October 27, 1833, from 15 December of that year until April 24 next, and last from 24 December 1846 to March 21, 1847. It was he who sold part of Mexican territory to the United States. He died in the capital on July 5, 1858.
1836-1837 José Justo Corro Born in Guadalajara, in the current state of Jalisco in 1794. He was interim president of Mexico from February 27, 1836 to April 19, 1837. He died in his hometown on December 18, 1864.At the end of his government gave the religious practices so eagerly that he was nicknamed the Ghost.Fue diputado al Congreso Constituyente de 1824, gobernador de Jalisco del 22 de septiembre de 1828 al 1 de mayo de 1829, magistrado de la Suprema Corte y secretario de Justicia y Negocios Eclesiásticos en 1835.
1839 1842-1843 1846 Nicolas bravo Born at Chilpancingo, in the current state of Guerrero. Was sworn in by the Council of Representatives of the departments and took over the presidency on 26 March. He ruled until May 4, 1843. Another time was president of the Republic, under the license granted to General Mariano Paredes to send the army in order of June 20, 1846. Bravo took office in July 28 of that year. Retired in Chilpancingo, came the revolution of Ayutla and apparently invited to participate in the movement did not accept, first, as the revolution against their ideas, and second by their disease. When he died shortly afterwards, said he and his wife, died the same day and at intervals of hours, had been poisoned.
1841 Francisco Javier Echeverría He was born in Jalapa, Veracruz, July 25, 1797. He was interim president of Mexico from September 22 to October 10, 1841. From a very young excelled in business and politics. It was local MP (1829), and Secretary of Finance in the cabinets of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (1834) and Anastasio Bustamante (1839-1841). He died in Mexico City on September 17, 1852.
1843-1844 1844 Valentín Canalizo Born in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon state today, the February 12, 1794. He was president of Mexico's substitute September 7, 1843 to 4 June next year and interim chairman of the September 21 to December 6, 1844. He died in the capital on February 20, 1850. 1797. He was interim president of Mexico from September 22 to October 10, 1841. He died in Mexico City on September 17, 1852.
1844 1844 1848-1851 José Joaquín de Herrera He was born in Jalapa, Veracruz, on February 23, 1792. He was interim president of Mexico from 12 to September 21, 1844, and the Constitution during the period from December 6, 1844 to December 30, 1845 and June 3, 1848 to January 15, 1851. He died in Mexico City on February 10, 1854.
1846 Mariano Paredes y Arrillaga Born in Mexico City in 1797. He was interim president of Mexico from December 31, 1845 to July 28, 1846. He died at their home on September 7, 1849.
1846 Mariano Salas Born in the capital in 1797. He was provisional president of Mexico from August 6 to December 23, 1846 and January 21 to February 2, 1859. He died in his hometown on December 24, 1867.
1847 Pedro María Anaya Born in Huichapan, present state of Hidalgo, on May 20, 1794. He was interim president of Mexico from April 2 to May 20, 1847 and November 12 of that year to January 8 the next. He died in Mexico City on March 21, 1854.
1847-1848 Manuel de la Peña Born in Mexico City on March 10, 1789. He was president of Mexico's substitute September 16 to November 11, 1847 and January 8 to June 2, 1848. He died in the capital on January 2, 1850.
1851-1853 Mariano Arista Born in San Luis Potosi on July 26, 1802. It was the constitutional president of Mexico from January 15, 1851 to January 5, 1853. He died on August 7, 1855.
1853 Juan Bautista Ceballos Born in Durango on May 13, 1811. He was interim president of Mexico from January 6 to February 7 1853.Su first act was to dissolve both houses of Congress. The Gerra was initiated by Santa Anna's return to power. When the War of Reform, left the country and settled in Paris. He died in Paris, France, August 20, 1859.
1853 Manuel María Lombardini Born in Mexico City on July 23, 1802. He was provisional president of Mexico between February 7 and April 20, 1853. Americans fought in the war of 1847. He died in his hometown on December 22, 1853.
1855 Martín Carrera Born in Puebla, Puebla on December 20, 1806. was general of the army of Santa Anna in 1853. He was interim president of Mexico from August 14 to September 12, 1855. He died in the capital on April 22, 1871.
1855 Rómulo Díaz de la Vega Born in Mexico City in 1804. It was de facto president of the September 12 to October 4, 1855. He fought the French during the War of the Pastries (1838) Died in Puebla, Puebla on October 3, 1877.
1855 Juan Álvarez Benítez Born in Atoyac current state of Guerrero on January 27, 1790. He was interim president of Mexico from October 4 to December 11, 1855. In March 1854, proclaimed the Plan of Ayutla against Santa Anna.After the triumph of the rebellion was elected president. He died in Acapulco on August 21, 1867.
1855-1857 Ignacio Comonfort
1858-1861 1861-1865 1865-1867 1867-1872 Benito Juárez García was born in San Pablo, Oaxaca, on March 21, 1806. His parents were peasants and indigenous Brigida Garcia Marcelino Juárez. They died when Benito was 3 years old, so he was raised by his grandparents and worked as a shepherd until age 12.In 1858, he became President of Mexico and the following year enacted the famous "Law of Nationalization of Ecclesiastical Property" He fought against the French with the help of United States. Unfortunately, Benito Juarez suffered heart and respiratory problems. On the night of July 18, 1872 angina took his life. The Mexican people buried with honors hero. Juarez is celebrated for his phrase "Among individuals as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace."
1858 Félix María Zuloaga Born in Alamos, Sonora, on March 31, 1803. Acting Chairman of the January 11 to December 24, 1858.Su gobierno tuvo que combatir al de los liberales que encabezaba Benito Juárez. Comenzaba así la guerra de Reforma. He died in Mexico City on February 11, 1898.
1858-1859 Manuel Robles Pezuela born in the city of Guanajuato, 23 May 1817.El Comonfort president, who knew the great capacity of Pezuela Robles, appointed him Minister of Foreign Affairs and then ambassador to the United Unidos.De back to Mexico was captured and sentenced to remain in exile in Sombrerete, Zacatecas, on parole not to intervene in support of the Europeans landed in Veracruz in January 1862 but decided to join Robles Pezuela interventionists and accompanied by General Taboada reactionary and some of his men, was on the way to Veracruz. A detachment of Chinaco Republicans recognized this when he was about to escape, he lassoed and taken prisoner in the vicinity of San Andres Chalchicomula. General Ignacio Zaragoza, commander of the Eastern Army, ordered to be shot immediately traitor right there in San Andres, March 23, 1862.
1859-1860 Miguel Miramón Born in the city of Guanajuato, 23 May 1817.El Comonfort president, who knew the great capacity of Pezuela Robles, appointed him Minister of Foreign Affairs and then ambassador to the United Unidos.De back to Mexico was captured and sentenced to remain in exile in Sombrerete, Zacatecas, on parole not to intervene in support of the Europeans landed in Veracruz in January 1862 but decided to join Robles Pezuela interventionists and accompanied by General Taboada reactionary and some of his men, was on the way to Veracruz. A detachment of Chinaco Republicans recognized this when he was about to escape, he lassoed and taken prisoner in the vicinity of San Andres Chalchicomula. General Ignacio Zaragoza, commander of the Eastern Army, ordered to be shot immediately traitor right there in San Andres, March 23, 1862.
1863-1864 Junta de Regencia The board of the regency was established at the arrival of General Forey. Who formed the executive were José Mariano Salas, Bishop Don Juan B. Ormachea and son of the board of the regency was established at the arrival of General Forey. Who formed the executive were José Mariano Salas, Bishop Don Juan B. Ormachea and the son of Jose Maria Morelos Juan Nepomuceno Almonte
1864-1867 Fernando Maximiliano de Habsburgo Born in Vienna on July 6, 1832. Emperor of Mexico from May 28, 1864 to May 15, 1867. He was shot in Queretaro on June 19, 1867.
1872-1876 Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada He was born in Jalapa, Veracruz, on April 24, 1823. He was president between July 18, 1872 and November 20 of fraudulent re-election in 1876 1876.Su ended in a coup against which to revolt Porfirio Diaz. Unable to cope with the rebellion, left office and moved to New York, where he died on April 21, 1889.
1876-1877 José María Iglesias Born in Mexico City on January 5, 1823. President "legality" of December 28, 1876 to March 15 1877.Era president of the Supreme Court at the time Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada sought reelection in 1876 under false pretenses; churches ignored the polls and claiming respect legality, claimed the presidency. He organized his government in Guanajuato, but before the advance of the forces supporting the Plan of Tuxtepec, ie the followers of Porfirio Diaz, was forced into exile. He died in his hometown on December 17, 1891.
1876-1877 Juan N. Méndez Born in Tetela, Puebla, July 2, 1820. Acting President from December 6, 1876 and February 17, 1877. He fought the Americans in 1847. In 1854 in favor of the Plan of Ayutla. With General Ignacio Zaragoza defeated the French at Puebla on May 5, 1862. He died in Mexico City on November 29, 1894.
1876-1880 1884-1911 Porfirio Díaz Born in Oaxaca on September 15, 1830. During the French invasion of Mexico (1861-1867) Porfirio Diaz excelled in the battle of Puebla (1862) when Lerdo sought reelection in 1876 Days Porfirio Tuxtepec Revolution began and managed to take the next year. His first term was developed from 1877 to 1880. This year he relinquished power to his friend Manuel Gonzalez, who ruled until 1884. From 1884 to 1911 Porfirio Diaz ruled dictatorially on getting reelected. He favored his supporters with vast estates and promoted the arrival of foreign capital in mining, oil and industry. Meanwhile most of the Mexican people suffered marginalization and poverty. Reelected in 1910 after the jailing opposition candidate Francisco Madero, who upon release from prison called on the national rebellion that was followed by many leaders antireeleccionistas. Thus began the Mexican Revolution.
When the rebels Pascual Orozco and Pancho Villa took Ciudad Juarez, Porfirio Diaz decided to resign (May 25, 1911). The Madero was allowed to leave the country and went into exile in France. He died in Paris on July 2, 1915
1880-1884 Manuel González Born in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, on June 17, 1833. He joined the army as a private in 1853. President's constitutional December 1, 1880 to November 30, 1884. He founded the National Bank of Mexico. On the other hand, faced a serious crisis Inland Revenue acknowledged the English debt and ordered the issuance of nickel coin, the economic consequences caused a violent riot in Mexico City. At the end of his term he held the governorship of Guanajuato. He died at the Hacienda de Chapingo, Estado de Mexico, May 8, 1893.
1911 Francisco León de la Barra Born in Queretaro, Queretaro, June 16, 1863. Acting Chairman of the May 26 to November 6, 1911. Advocate. Delegate to the second Pan-American Congress (1901-1902), Member of Congress, Mexico's ambassador to various countries in America and Europe during the Porfirio Diaz. He died in Biarritz, France, September 23, 1939.
1911-1913 Francisco I. Madero Born in Hacienda El Rosario, Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila. He traveled to study university in France, Europe and the United States when he return he proposed building a dam in drought forecasting. That brochure received a congratulatory letter from President Diaz. Soon the Madero rebellion began to grow, first slowly, the fight began in Puebla by Achilles Serdán, then with great momentum, with Pascual Orozco and Francisco Villa. The victory was overwhelming, and November 6, 1911, was installed as president. His government did not show great strength. Since the interim had sapped his strength. If prior to taking the presidency tried to resolve the conflict over land issues, the head of which was Zapata, soon had to contend with the same leader, who launched the Plan de Ayala. Madero entrusted the command of the troops of the government of Victoriano Huerta, who betrays him. And was jailed and forced to resign the Presidency of the Republic, then was killed the night of February 22, 1913
1913 Pedro Lascuráin Paredes Born in Mexico City on May 12, 1856. Acting President for 45 minutes on February 19, 1913. In that garden made by Givern and then resigned. He died on July 21, 1952.
1913-1914 Victoriano Huerta Ortega Born in Colotlán, jalisco, on december 22 of 1850. Victoriano asisted to clases insted of woking in the camp like all his neigbours. when he was a teenager he work like a private secretari for Donato Guerra. And Guerra when he saw the inteligent of huerta and ask president Juárez to put him in the army. in the army he almos shot Pancho Villa but the brothers of the President Madero intervened and Villa was imprisoned only a few days in Mexico City. Victoriano Huerta, left Mexico, he moved to Spain and the following year he moved to America where he was arrested on charges of fomenting rebellion in Mexico. On January 13, 1916 died.
1914 Francisco S. Carvajal Born in Campeche, Campeche, December 9, 1870. Acting Chairman of the July 15 to August 13, 1914. Victoriano Huerta was appointed Foreign Secretary, so that by waiving it, by operation of law became interim president. He died in Mexico City on September 30, 1932.
1914-1920 Venustiano Carranza Born on December 29, 1859 in Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, held the position of mayor of his hometown. Carranza returned to Mexico City and in 1916 convened the Constituent Congress of Queretaro, in order to issue a new constitution, which was adopted on February 5, 1917, and is still in force. That same year he was elected president of Mexico. On May 21, 1920, we laid an ambush and murdered him in Tlaxcalantongo, Puebla. On september of 1916, Venustiano Carranza called a eleccion to integreat the congress constituyent, that stay inslaled the first of december of that year.
1914-1915 Eulalio Gutiérrez Born in Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, on February 2, 1881. President conventions of November 6, 1914 to January 12, 1915. He died in Saltillo, Coahuila, August 12, 1939.
1915 Roque González Garza Born in Saltillo, Coahuila, on March 23, 1885. Francisco Villa was named its representative to the Revolutionary Convention. President conventions of January 16 to June 9, 1915. He died in the capital on November 12, 1962.
1915 Francisco Lagos Cházaro Born in Tlacotalpan, Veracruz, on September 30, 1878. President conventions of June 10 to October 10, 1915. In September 1915 approved a "program of political and social revolution" that failed to materialize, since shortly after the assembly was dissolved. He died in the capital on November 13, 1932.
1920 Adolfo de la Huerta Born in Guaymas, Sonora 1881. Before the triumph of the Revolution took part in the political turmoil and dissatisfaction with regard to Porfirian regime, both in the field and in journalism. He died in Mexico City 1954.
1920-1924 Álvaro Obregón Born in psyche Navojoa ranch in Sonora. He was a primary school teacher for not long. In late 1911 he was elected president of Huatabampo. In the elections of July 1928 was reelected. During a banquet held in San Angel, Mexico City, 17 the same year, was assassinated by José de León Toral. His body was transferred by rail to Huatabampo, Son. Where he was buried.
1924-1928 Plutarco Elías Calles Born in Guaymas, Sonora 1877. In his administration prohibits the manufacture and trafficking of alcoholic beverages. He died in Mexico City 1945.
1928-1930 Emilio Portes Gil Born in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, on October 3, 1891. Acting Chairman of the December 1, 1928 to February 4, 1930. He died in the capital on December 10, 1978.
1930-1932 Pascual Ortiz Rubio Born in Morelia, Michoacan, March 10, 1877. President's constitutional February 5, 1930 to September 2, 1932. He died in Mexico City on November 4, 1963.
1932-1934 Abelardo L. Rodríguez Born in Guaymas, Sonora, on May 12, 1891. He participated in the battles of the Bajio in 1915 in which Villa was defeated. President substitute September 3, 1932 to November 30, 1934. He died in La Jolla, California, on February 13, 1967.
1934-1940 Lázaro Cárdenas del Río Born in the community of Jiquilpan, Michoacan on May 21, 1895. Enemy of cigarette and Betting. Cardenas lived modestly the rest of his life, until he lost it to cancer, died in October 19, 1970 in Mexico City.
1940-1946 Manuel Ávila Camacho Born in Teziutlán, Puebla on April 24, 1897. President's constitutional December 1, 1940 to November 30, 1946. He died in La Herradura, Estado de Mexico, October 13, 1955.
1946-1952 Miguel Alemán Valdés Born in Sayula, Veracruz, on September 29, 1900. President's constitutional December 1, 1946 to November 30, 1952. During his government carried out important works in communications, housing and education as a campus of the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). He died in the capital on May 14, 1983.
1952-1958 Adolfo Ruíz Cortines Born and died in Veracruz 1890-1973. It was he who granted the franchise to women.
1958-1964 Adolfo López Mateos Born in Atizapán, State of Mexico, May 26, 1909. President's constitutional December 1, 1958 to November 30, 1964. Manifested in the construction of major national museums and the creation of free textbook. He died in Mexico City on September 22, 1969.
1964-1970 Gustavo Díaz Ordaz Born March 12, 1911 in San Andrés Chalchicomula (now City Serdán in the state of Puebla). A few months later resigned, and on July 15, 1979 died in Mexico City.
1970-1976 Luis Echeverría Álvarez Born in Mexico City on January 17, 1922. The day he died could be found,
he could still be alive.
1976-1982 José López Portillo y Pacheco Born in Mexico City 1920. Also initiated important reforms in the House of Representatives to increase the number of members to 400, of which at least one hundred should be opposition parties, in order to give voice to smaller parties. He died in Mexico City in 2004
1982-1988 Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado Born in Colima 1934. Could not find when he died, he could still be alive.
1988-1994 Carlos Salinas de Gortari Born in Mexico City on April 3, 1948. Founder of the Association of Women Economists in Mexico. No could be found if he was dead, he could still be alive.
1994-2000 Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León Born in Mexico City on December 27, 1951. President's constitutional December 1, 1994 to November 30, 2000. Also favored some competitive elections in 2000, which allowed for the first time in 70 years arrived in the presidency of a candidate issued the ruling party and he was the one that allows free trade between countries (NAFTA) .
2000-2006 Vicente Fox Quesada Born on July 2, 1942. Is known to be the first president not from the PRI, but the PAN.
2006-2012 Felipe Calderon Hinojosa Born August 18, 1962 and is originally from Morelia, Michoacan. Constitutional President of the United Mexican States for the period December 1, 2006 to November 30, 2012.
Madero began his revolutionary struggle, issues in the plan of San Luis the phrase "perpetual and governments never oppressed citizens, Mexicans strip off the dictator Effective Suffrage, No Reelection"
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